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Introducing Lucas Messore's highly efficient Ableton Live template for recording vocals. This expertly crafted template boasts an array of features that will streamline your recording process and elevate your final product. The vocal tracks are properly labeled and come with pre-loaded channel effects for EQ, compression, and saturation, while the unique buss processing and send functionality add a touch of innovation to the template.


Additionally, the stereo delays and reverbs applied to the background vocals ensure a polished, professional sound. This drag-and-drop template is perfect for producers, songwriters, and artists who want to focus on the creative process without getting bogged down in the technicalities of mixing. With its efficient CPU usage and streamlined workflow, Lucas Messore's Ableton Live template is an essential tool for any recording session. This uses only stock Ableton plugins!


See the accompanying YouTube Video for all set up details! 



Ableton Live 11 Suite


Ableton Vocal Template with Stock Plugins

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